Funded by MHRD Government of India
Dr Nikunj Bhatt. Ph.D.
Principal Investigator

Objectives of the NME-ICTThe content portion of this Mission would have an ambitious vision of catering to the learning needs of more than 50 crore Indians (working population) and of providing a one stop solution to all the requirements of the learning community the following objectives:
Dr. Nikunj Bhanuprasad Bhatt (Principal Investigator)
Dr. Nikunj Bhanuprasad Bhatt
Associate Professor, V P & R P T P Science College. V.V Nagar. 380 120. E-mail: drnikunjbhatt@gmail.com Website: www.zoologyexperiments.com અàªàª¿àªµà«àª¯àª•à«àª¤àª¿ (abhivyaktygujarati.blogspot.com) Educational QualificationsPh.D., Zoology [Arachnology]M.Phil., M.Sc., B.Sc. [Zoology]. Teaching Experience31 years Professional Skills:
Present ResponsibilitiesTeaching Zoology: F.Y. [1st & 2nd semester], S.Y. [3rd, & 4th], T .Y. [5th & 6th] Coordinator - UGC committee.
Coordinator- IQAC. [NAAC]
Coordinator - NME-ICT Coordinator - Cultural Committee. [Music and Dance club] [1994-2012] Coordinator - BISAG for S P University in Zoology Subject Education Media
Membership Education:
Profesional Bodies:
Responsibilities: previous college
Teaching Zoology
In charge of Science faculty.
Coordinator - IQAC
Coordinator - UGC committee.
Coordinator - [College and Trust' eight institutions] - cultural committee.
Coordinator - COP [carrier Oriented Program]
Member Department of culture and youth welfare Gujarat University.
Examiner & paper setter Gujarat University.
Research Supervision: Presently a scholar working on herpetology of Gujarat region Projects and Publications [Research]Projects: 1. UGC minor research project: “Faunastic study of order araneae from shoolpaneshwar wild life sanctuary. 2. NME-ICT [National Mission on Education through ICT] pilot project approved by ministry of HRD: “e- Content of zoology experiments-Z-101 [virtual Laboratory] www.zoologyexperiments.com 3. NME-ICT [National Mission on Education through ICT] ought to be submitted to MHRD: virtual Laboratory 4. Project Co-PI in under “seed money grant” approved by Sardar Patel University titled “Morphological phylogeny of Orb web spiders of Kanewal” 5. Project Co-PI in under “seed money grant” approved by Sardar Patel University titled “Avian diversity of wetland bird fauna of Pariaj ” Publications: 1. Effect of Fluoride on some soft tissue Functions of Fresh water Fish- channa punctatus. Proc.Acad, Environ.Biol.3 (2), 191-196 (1994) 2. Studies on silk glands of some spiders.Nat.j.Life Science.3 (2)147-152 (2006): ISSN 0972-995x 3. Study of biodiversity of order Araneae from Narmada District-Gujarat.Research Digest 3, 4(4) 26-28 (2008) ISSN-0973-6387 4. Faunastic study of order Araneae from out skirt of shoolpaneshar wild life sanctuary adjusting to Narmada River. Paper presented at UGC sponsored seminar Nadiad. 5. Diversity of order Scorpionida fauna from Narmada district, Gujarat. ISSN: 0976-1098 [online] 6. Avian diversity of Mahi canal site of Nadiad, Gujarat. ISSN: 0976-1098 [online] 7. Diversity of spider fauna of Ratanmahal sloth bear sanctuary, Gujarat. ISSN: 0976-1098 [online] 8. Review-traditional zoothraputic uses of spiders ISSN: 0976-1098 [online] 9. Sustainability of spiders in Temperature variation at Shoolpaneshwar wild-life sanctuary, Gujarat, India ISSN : 2319 - 1414 10.A Priliminary Systematic study of Spiders of Major Wetlands of Anand-Kheda Districs, Gujarat. ISSN : 2278 - 3202 11. Seasonal Diversity of Order Araneae at Shoolpaneshwar wild life Sanctuary, Gujarat, India paper presented in the International Conference held at Udaipur on 8-9 December 2014. 12. Expert lecture given in virtual conference Studies of functions and anatomical structure of silk glands of Neoscona bihumpi,Patel,S. and Larinia kanpurae, Patel and Nigam on 5- 10 august 2016. 13. Architectural Concept in Web Building Behavior of Cyrtophora bidenta Tikader 1970 : in Situ Observations. Paper presented at ISCA 2016 8-9 December 2016 at HRM, Rajgurunagar Pune. Abstract published.978-93-84659-14-1 14. Expert lecture given in virtual conference Study of phylogeny based on Morphological Characters on 5- 10 august 2017. 15. “Improvisation of Students’ Efficiency in Learning Progression through E-Content Development” At National seminar on Rejuvenation of Undergraduate Education in India. 10-11 August 2018. 16. Nesting, Protective and Foraging Behavior of Oecophyllasmaragdina (Weaver Ants) in Anand, Gujarat.Advances in Zoology and Botany 8(4): 351-357, 2020
Editorial Reviewer in Research Journals:Editorial Review Board Member International Research Journal of Animal,Veterinary and Fishery Sciences. [Nov-2014] International Scientific Committee of www.waset.org selected as Scientific and Technical Committee & Editorial Review Board Member [Feb-2015] Editorial Board member ISCA Journal of Animal, Veterinary and Fishery Sciences. Editorial Board member Academic Journal of “Zoological Sciences” www.xournals.com
Editor In Chief: a new venture online Magazine www.abhivyakty.in Books
AAA PEER team member: [Academic and Administrative Audit]
Conferences / Seminars / WorkshopsA NAAC Sponsored seminar organized as a coordinator of IQAC “Nurturing Quality in Higher Education through IQAC” on 11/01/2014 Conferences
An international conference “Exploring horizon in biotechnology: A global venture. Seasonal Diversity of Order Araneae at Shoolpaneshwar wild life Sanctuary, Gujarat, India paper presented in the International Conference held at Udaipur on 8-9 December 2014. Seminars
UGC sponsored seminar “ Vocationalization of Higher Education” at New Delhi. National Semeinar on Quality Education at Indore, Paper presented Workshops
Workshop on Marine Biodivesity at V P & R P T P Science College. Seminar OrganizedA National level NAAC Sponsored seminar Organized by Me as a Coordinator on 11th January 2014. In which Assistant advisor NAAC Dr. Ganesh Hegde was Chief Guest and 143 participants participated. The proceeding published with ISBN: 978-93-83520-40- 4 A seminar “Assessment and Accreditation: The new Methodology” for Principals and IQAC coordinators. Jointly organized a seminar on “ Medicinal Plants” with Biology Department and Chaired a session A National Seminar Digital Transformation: A progressive Approach, as a coordinator of IQAC on 22/06/2020 Workshop OrganizeTwo workshops organized to review Mission Vision of the Institute as an IQAC coordinator A workshop Organized as a Coordinator of IQAC under Faculty Development Program [FDP] “Quantifying the Impact and Relevance of Scientific Research” and chaired a Session. A workshop organized for newly appointed academicians on “Acculturation for newly appointed faculty” Jointly organized a seminar on “ Medicinal Plants” with Biology Department and Chaired a session A workshop organized for faculty for coming NAAC 2018. A short film Competition organized by IQAC Resource Person / Advisor / Expertise1. Invited as resource person in training program of principals under KCG-MMI [knowledge consortium of Gujarat-mission mode and implementation program], to deliver a lecture on 11th plan. 2. Invited as a resource person in Quality education and NAAC seeking institutions 2.1. I V Commerce College. Nadiad. 2.2. C P Commerce College. Anand. 2.3. C Z Patel College of Hotel Management. New Vidyanagar 2.4. Borsad Science College. Borsad 2.5. Surat Education Complex.IQAC advisor 3. Invited as an advisor in UGC sponsored one day seminar at the J&J Science College. 4. Invited as a judge in several academic-extra academic activities conducted by several institutions. 5. Nominated subject expert for CAS by University. Keynote Speaker /Key Resource Person: 1. Invited as a Key resource Person to train Resource persons for teachers of 10th standard. 2. The Keynote speaker for work shop for NME ICT at Petlad Science college, collaboration with SANDHAN-the online class room Govt’ of Gujarat. 6th Sep 2013. 3. Invited as a Keynote Person in ShajanandSanskardhamVisnagar. 4. Invited as a Keynote Person in TERF Ahmedabad. 5. Invited as “Chief Guest” in Science fair Inauguration at Secondary school, Borsad. 6. Expert Resource person at Academic Staff College S P University on e-Content development 7. Deliver Expert Speech and Co- Chaired a session as section secretary at the International Conference held at Udaipur on 8-9 December 2014. 8. Expert Resource person at Academic Staff College S P University on e-Content development 20/8/2015 two sessions 9. Invited as Resource Person at Shree Ramkrishna Computer and Applied Science Institutes Surat. 22/8/2015 10. Expert lecture given in virtual conference Studies of functions and anatomical structure of silk glands of Neoscona bihumpi,Patel,S. and Larinia kanpurae, Patel and Nigam on 5- 10 august 2016. 11. Keynote speech given at “ Shree Sahajanand High school” in Annual function at Visnagar. 12. Deliver Expert Speech at Bhavan’s R A College of Science, Ahmadabad. In Seminar "Teaching Zoology in Present Scenario, Challenges & Scopes" on 28th January 2018 13. Expert lecture given in virtual conference Studies of functions and anatomical structure of silk glands ofNeosconabihumpi,Patel,S. and Lariniakanpurae, Patel and Nigam on 5- 10 august 2016. 14. Expert lecture given in virtual conference Study of phylogeny based on Morphological Characters on 5- 10 august 2017. 15. Expert lecture at SAGE University, Indore on ECOLOGICAL AND BEHAVIORAL IMPORTANCE OF WEAVER ANTS (Oecophyllasmaragdina)on 18/07/2020 [Virtual] Chaired Session at workshop/Conference:
Social Attachments1. Hon Vice President - ‘Shree Sangeet Vidyalaya Anand.” 2. Hon cultural secretary - “ Shree Nagar Mandal, Anand.” Cultural Heritage1. Performed several non commercial vocal musical concerts of Gazals, Gujarati Sugam Sangeet and filmy music. 2. Composed gazals and bhajans non commercially. Futuristic PlansTo make forward my institution, my University, State and Country. |